OK' - The most dangerous word in human history.

Think about it. Every time you click 'OK' or 'I Accept' on a terms of service agreement, you're signing away pieces of your digital self. Your thoughts, dreams, fears, ideas - all collected, analyzed, and owned by corporations through legally binding contracts most never read.

With each casual 'OK,' we've normalized the largest voluntary surrender of human privacy and autonomy in history. It's not dramatic to say we're clicking away our fundamental rights, one Terms of Service at a time.

The average person clicks 'OK' on over 1,000 user agreements in their lifetime. Each one is a legal contract, often granting companies the right to:
• Monitor your behavior
• Collect your personal data
• Analyze your private conversations
• Own your created content
• Share or sell your information

We wouldn't let a stranger read our diary, yet we routinely click 'OK' to let AI companies analyze our most intimate thoughts and conversations.

This isn't just about privacy - it's about the future of human autonomy. Every 'OK' contributes to a world where our digital souls are owned by corporations.

It's time to say 'NOT OK.'


The Hidden Crisis: When Human Curiosity Meets the Unprecedented Power of AI


AI (the third wave)